Thursday, March 26, 2015

Young Living Infographics

So as of late I have been doing a lot of infographics for work. They have been a lot of fun, because I was able to not only design them, but do the photoshoots as well! So without further ado, here is some of my latest design work for Young Living Essential Oils:

Young Living's suggestions for your work survival kit. 10 products that are great to keep on hand at work in order to have the most productive day possible!

This was a knolling project that I loved putting together. I tried out a different way of doing the photography and design. Instead of taking one main shot and placing the text around it, I shot each item individually with the same strobe light. This made it so that everything was shot at the same angle and with the same light. I love the result!

I tried out an illustrated infographic instead of the normal ones with photography that I generally lean towards. It was tricky to try to evoke the feeling of relaxation with this style of infographic, but I think the colors and patterns that I added helped bring that feeling to it.

This is one of the earlier infographics that I did. It was loaded with fun facts for insomniacs on how to implement essential oils into your life in order to get a better night's sleep.

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